Q: I just purchased a car, is vehicle insurance mandatory in New Hampshire? I have heard it is not, but how is this? Thank you for clarifying this issue.
A: Congratulations on buying the car. Vehicle insurance is not mandatory, but is recommended in the Granite State.
New Hampshire and Virginia are the only two states in the country that do not require auto insurance and in Virginia people need to pay $500 dollars to the state in order to waive auto insurance coverage. In New Hampshire there is no fee to waive auto insurance.
However, just because insurance is not mandated does not mean you should decide not to purchase a policy. Even if you are a good driver insurance is a wise idea for the following reasons:
*Protecting your financial assets in case you are held liable for an auto accident.
*Getting your car repaired in case someone hits you can be difficult if the person at fault does not have insurance or the financial resources to pay for the damage to your car.
*The money you save by not buying a premium will quickly be lost in the event of even a minor accident.
Since insurance is not required in New Hampshire you can often find a very good deal because the agents know if the price is too high many people will simply not purchase insurance.
Good luck with your new car. Vehicle insurance is a good idea and we hope you will consider it. We would strongly recommend looking around online for the cheapest quotes, you might be surprised at how much money you can potentially save on your coverage.