It is not worth the cost you can incure to go with out your States minimum auto insurance limits. They set these limits for your protection as well as for other. Not having insurance does not excuse you from liablity. The State of Texas and many others have stiff laws regarding this matter.
The State of Texas limits are 25/50/25. Each State may differ. Texas requires liabilty covergae that will cover damage and medical expenses if you are found at fault
Basically, the limits somewhat protect your pocket book and the person that incurred the damages up to $25000 for bodily injury or death, $50000 for two people. They also require $50000 to protect damages done to property such as the other vehicle. They do not require Comprehensive coverage to protect oneself.
The minimum the State has declared is often times just not enough coverage. In turn if the damages or medical expenses exceed your covergae you are still help liable for the additional expense if you are at fault. Insurance companies do recommend a higher limit to protect you from this.
You have the choose not to or to add comprehensive coverage to protect yourself in an at fault accident. If you have a lien holder that shares and interest in your vehicle, they may require you to carry comprehensive. So even though the State does not require it it is recommended.
If you decide to ignore the requirements you could get a big right hook to the pocketbook. How about the cost for towing and storing your vehicle. Fines that could cost as much as $350. If it is not your 1st time $650 or more is to be expected. You could even lose the privelage to driver a motor vehicle.
You can also expect to pay a surcharge to the Department of Motor Vehicles for up to 3 years. These surcharges can be pretty hefty. They take failure to maintain financial responsibility very serious. So yes, you could expect to lose money over the course of 3 years.
The State of Texas and many other States use a driver point system. this system is meant to punish bad drivers. Depending on you offense you are given points. These points add up over the years and could result in not only a license suspension, but much higher auto insurance rates. So stay smart and maintain your auto insurance!