
The car salvage business

What exactly is the car salvage business? Many people are not exactly sure what it is. But it is a vital job and industry that certainly has a niche in the car part world. The car salvage business basically worlds…

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How difficult is it to find car parts online?

Just how difficult is it to find car parts online? A recent Google search on “car parts” brought up over 25 million hits, most of which had a very great deal to do with car parts. The UK has a…

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Car Salvage and the new scrappage scheme

It is interesting to speculate on the impact the new government scrappage scheme will have on the availability of obtaining used car parts online. The budget that will be presented by the chancellor Alistair Darling is quite likely to announce…

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Top 4 things to remember when buying a second-hand car

Despite Labour’s recently announced ‘Scrappage Scheme’, in which car owners can get a discount on a brand new vehicle due to contributions from the seller and the government itself, many UK motorists are still eager to purchase a second-hand vehicle….

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Tyre safety tips

Keep tyres in top condition for safe driving. Tyres are one of the most crucial parts of your car in terms of safety, and as your only contact with the road, it’s vital they’re kept in the best condition at…

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Cell phones- Leading cause of road accidents

The use of cell phones may be a great boon for all of us but it can also prove to be fatal. Studies reveal that cell phones are becoming one of the leading causes of car accident. The use of…

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Why you need a defensive driving course

People think that mastering the art of driving is just to take full control of their vehicle, but do you think mastering the vehicle is enough to keep you safe on the road? To drive well is good but if…

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Do I need a defensive driving course NJ?

Do you think you are safe while driving? Every day, innocent people are injured or killed on the road or highways due to automobile collisions. If you don’t want to be in this kind of situation then, of course you…

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Nuts and bolts of car restoration

Whether you do the work in your garage, or rent or share a space with others, it helps greatly to have both the right tools and cleaners to get your parts perfect before attempting to rebuild your motor or transmission….

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Typing your antique car

Shopping online for car parts, cars, equipment, manuals, repair services and the other things you need to care for your classic car has become the way to do business. If you’re looking for parts for a very old car, you might…

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