Getting cheap car insurance for students is not that easy. For one, students are usually charge with higher car insurance premiums because they are found to pose higher risk for auto insurance companies. Several studies have already established that student drivers make more auto insurance claims as compared to other drivers. Also, given that they lack the experience when it comes to driving plus their driving characteristics associated with their being "young" like being careless on the road, it is only expected that auto insurance provider would charge them pricey car insurance premiums. Aside from this, there are also several factors that affect auto insurance rates like: gender, age, driving records, driving miles, location, etc. Also it may seem impossible for students to get cheap student car insurance, the truth is, there are so many ways to get one:
Access the Internet and visit the websites that offer free online car insurance quotes. From there, shop for online car insurance quotes. Make sure to get it from different auto insurance providers. It's advisable that you get 5 online quotes from different car insurance companies.
Check information about auto insurance coverages and meanings. It's good to do some background research before you buy auto insurance policies. Also, it's advisable that you get as much information as you can about car insurance terminologies.
Get high grades. Auto insurance companies believe that students who get high grades are careful drivers. So, in most cases, they give them lower car insurance rates. As long as you have a B average or higher, then you may be able to save on your car insurance premiums.
Go for vehicle that is not that expensive. If you are planning on asking your parents to buy you a new vehicle, make sure it's not a luxury car. Getting a luxury car will only ballooned your auto insurance premiums and I'm sure you don't want that to happen.